A Prime Minister Who Put People First : Jacinda Ardern

Adil Wadhwania
7 min readFeb 8, 2023


Jacinda Ardern one of the world’s greatest leader according to fortune Magazine list made a unexpected announcement of her resignation as the PM of New Zealand on 19 Jan 2022 and will conclude her term on the 7th of February.

Jacinda Ardern resigns

“This has been the most fulfilling five and a half years of my life. But it has also had its challenges. Amongst an agenda focused on housing, child poverty, and climate change, we encountered a major biosecurity incursion, a domestic terror event, a major natural disaster, a global pandemic, and an economic crisis”, she said.

“I am not leaving because it was hard. Had that been the case I probably would have departed two months into the job. I am leaving because with such a privileged role comes responsibility, the responsibility to know when you are the right person to lead, and also when you are not. I know what this job takes and I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice. It’s that simple”, she continued.

Jacinda Ardern has made a lasting impact on New Zealand as the Prime Minister. She is known for her message of kindness and compassion, promoting respect and empathy in society. After the tragic terrorist attack, Ardern showed her leadership by quickly taking action to ban guns and comforting the families of the victims by saying “we grieve together. We are one.” During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ardern was recognized as one of the world’s greatest leaders for her quick decision-making and effective response, which included a nationwide lockdown that was executed in a thoughtful and considerate manner. Ardern’s leadership qualities, including her humility, politeness, and focus on the well-being of her constituents, have earned her widespread admiration and respect.

Early Life and start in Politics

Ardern spent her first years in a small town called murupara where she saw children without shoes on their feet or anything to eat for lunch, that inspired her to enter into politics.

In 1999, at the age of 17 she entered into politics by joining the labour party and engaged in the reelection campaign that was held in New Plymouth district.

Jacinda ardern maiden speech in the parliament(2008)

In 2017 Ardern registered a landslide victory for the by-election of Mount Albert district of New Zealand, after facing defeat in last three consecutive elections from Waikato district by 13000 votes in 2008, Auckland Central against nikki kaye with 717 and 600 votes defeat in 2011 and 2014 respectively.

After losing in the elections also Ardern was youngest member of House of Representatives at the age of 28, named in the list of candidates selected by the labour party.

Jacinda Ardern as Prime Minister

  • At the age of 37 Ardern became one of the youngest Prime Minister to lead the country by forming a coalition government with NZ-Labour and greens.
  • PM said about what this government will work and gave a 100 days action plan after forming the government that addresses various issues of New Zealanders.
  • Health and education are at top priority, the government will invest in education that deliver best technologies, learning resources and professors to match up to the standards of changing world. Government will restore funding in health system to make it accessible affordable to all, the PM assured the funding for alcohol and drug addiction treatment.
Jacinda Ardern
  • One of the key reason of Jacinda Ardern to enter into politics was also addressed, child poverty, she personally took the newly created role, Minister for Child Poverty Reduction to show how important and sensitive this issue is to government.

“Poverty hurts everyone, but it hurts children the most. But every child should be able to grow free from poverty”, PM says there will be different programmes across all government areas to solve the issue and even in every budget New Zealanders will hear how many kids are lifted out of poverty.

  • PM also talks about one of the greatest challenge world was facing, Climate change, a climate committee will be created to recommend emission reduction targets, advice and policy development. The government also set a target to go a Net Zero Carbon Emissions Economy by 2025.
  • Climate committee was also advised to determine a plan to transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2035
  • To bring down the prices of homes that are not affordable for first home buyers government will ban foreign speculations from buying existing New Zealand home

“This government aspires for this to be a country where all are accepted, no matter who they are, where they come from, how they live or what their religious beliefs are”.

  • At October 13,2017, “I’ll be Prime minister and mum” by saying this she revealed about her pregnancy becoming world’s second leader to expecting child while serving in the office after 1990 Pakistan PM Benazir Bhutto gave birth to the child as serving leader.

Christchurch mosques shootings, terrorist attack

  • In the mass killings at two mosques in Christchurch 50 were killed and many were severely injured, can be clearly described as terrorist attack, Jacinda said that the incident was “one of New Zealand’s darkest days”.
  • “Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have impacted”, “Christchurch was the home for those victims, In fact for many of them, NZ was their choice, a place they came for safety and free to practice their culture and religion”.
Jacinda ardern meet with family members of victims
  • We were the target of this terrorist attack because we represent diversity, kindness and compassion, a home for those who share values, refuge for those who need it. “And those values, I can assure you, will not, and cannot, be shaken by this attack”, Jacinda continues.
  • Ardern met the members of muslim community in Christchurch the day after terrorist attack, she wore a hijab as mark of respect, comforting the devastated men and women, closing her eyes and and she was hearing their words and feels their grief.
  • “On behalf of all New Zealanders, we grieve together. We are one. They are us”, Jacinda ardern signs national consolendence for the victims.
PM announces ban on all weapons
  • After almost six days of this mass shooting PM announced ban on all the military-style semi-automatic weapons, automatic rifles, all high capacity magazines all guns that generate semi-automatic, automatic or close to automatic gunfire.
  • A buyback scheme was also instituted to collect all the current weapons from owners at a fair and reasonable price that may cost $100million- 200 million. ”That is the price that we must pay to ensure the safety of our communities”, Ardern said.

Jacinda Ardern Leading through a global Pandemic

  • Jacinda Ardern was quick to response through the global pandemic world was going and addresses New Zealanders in the month of march, till now there are 36 cases announced and all of them linked with the overseas travel history.
  • She said if the community transmission takes off in New Zealand then the number of cases will double every five days and if it happens our health system will be overwhelmed and thousands of New Zealanders will die.
  • To stop the chain of community transmission and stop it multiplying, the plan is simple, we need to stay at home and reducing contact.
Jacinda Ardern on covid lockdown news
  • The response to the global pandemic was quick, robust, well-planned, and executed at different alert levels nationwide. Proper instructions and guidelines were provided about the four-week lockdown announced by the Prime Minister. Before implementing the lockdown, the country went through different alert levels, where everything was slowly transitioned, and at the final alert level 4, only essential services would be provided.
  • Jacinda Ardern assured that if the transmission slows down, they will move out the areas out of level 4 over time.
  • “I would rather make this decision now, and save those lives, and be in lockdown for a shorter period, than delay, see New Zealanders lose loved ones and their contact with each other for an even longer period. I hope you are all with me on that.”, she continues.
  • New Zealand was at the top spot in the response to covid pandemic, by taking early decisions of closing borders and a lockdown when there were few of thousands cases. The global pandemic tested the leadership qualities of all the leaders around the globe and Jacinda Ardern, no doubt, stands out as a great leader.

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Topics : Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand, political life of Jacinda Ardern, Jacinda Ardern shocking resignation, New zealand politics



Adil Wadhwania

Tech-savvy writer sharing insights on programming,current affairs,sports,great personalities, and new technologies. Follow for engaging and informative content.